Brandywine Toms River Courtyard Assisted Living

Memory Care

Memory Care at Brandywine

Brandywine Living’s memory care services feature a safe and secure environment where residents are closely monitored and cared for by professionally trained staff.

Generic couple kitchen dancing

Find Your Stride at Brandywine

When your loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia, it can be very trying on your family. It’s hard enough dealing with the gradual behavior changes, but the stress becomes even worse when considering the long-term lifestyle implications.

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A nurturing and safe environment to call home

Memory care is a form of assisted living care. Residents live onsite in an assisted living community where they have 24-hour access to a wide range of useful and immersive features. Our licensed nurses administer medicine as needed for each individual, monitor essential health-related developments and provide medical consultations whenever the resident needs something looked at.

On the hospitality side, residents are helped with many day-to-day tasks which they struggle to complete independently. This can include anything from eating to transferring, to bathing. It just varies on individual needs.


Brandywine’s Reflections Program provides a unique, stimulating, supportive environment for residents with Dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other related memory care needs.

Woman and grandchild

Reflections Memory Care Program

The environment is specifically designed to be safe and secure, with all the warmth and simple elegance people expect from Brandywine. Patience, kindness, and compassion are our hallmarks. The past is important, but your loved one’s future is our focus.

Brandywine Family

Our INVEST Mission

At the heart of everything we do is our one-of-a-kind INVEST Mission.

We INVEST in the individuality and identity of each resident. We INVEST in a social environment that can create magical moments. We INVEST by offering specialized training for our team members. We INVEST by gaining a commitment from our families to remain involved with their loved ones.

Brandywine Toms River Entry Assisted Living

Get in touch

We look forward to showing you around. Please reserve your Tour booking below, or call us.